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Daily Schedule

Sunday, October 27

Pre-conference Program - See pre-conference page for details and cost

11:00 am - 4:00 pm - Optional Study Tours (with an additional cost)

  • Urban Downtowns: OUR DWTN Walking Tour - $30
  • Downtown Service Providers Tour - $50
  • Greater Victoria Urban Port Tour - $30

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm - Optional dinner at Songhees Wellness Centre - $90

Monday, October 28

8:30 am - 9:00 am - Coffee Hour and Registration

9:00 am - Welcome and Opening Remarks

  • Lekwungen territorial welcome and opening prayer
  • Welcome remarks from Mayor Alto

9:15 am - Opening Plenary: Rooting our work in Truth and Reconciliation

This session for all attendees will introduce the concepts of safety and wellbeing through a lens of truth and reconciliation. By understanding the depth, breadth, and power of truth, we can find reconciliation through the creation of community wellbeing.

10:00 am - Plenary - Introducing Victoria

Join Mayor Marianne Alto and guests to to discuss the City of Victoria’s recent Community Safety and Wellbeing plan, including an analysis of themes like community building, advocacy, and urban social service delivery. This session will discuss current trends, themes, and discourses around social disorder affecting cities, large and small, across the globe.

10:45 am - 11:00 am - Break

11:00 am - 12:00 pm - Feature Speaker/Keynote Address

To be announced

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm - Lunch

  • Lunch Speaker from 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm: To be announced

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm - Panels

  • Option A: Small Town Safety: Solutions and Challenges to Scale

The size and scale of communities creates new challenges to safety, but also brings new opportunities for collaboration and innovation. Join leaders from local governments for a discussion of the impacts of safety challenges on small and rural communities.

  • Option B: Urban Cities Safety: A Path for Safety

Cities across the world are struggling with social disorder concerns, leading to increased questions about safety in downtown centres. Join urban leaders for this panel discussion about innovative and modern solutions to transform the way we view urban safety.

  • Option C: Cross-Sector Collaboration

The key to problem-solving success is bringing people together from various sectors, agencies, and levels of government. However, this is often easier said than done and requires time, commitment, and resources to achieve. This panel will bring together stakeholders from multiple levels of government for a discussion about solving social challenges through increased collaboration.

  • Option D: Framework for a Guaranteed Livable Income

Experts agree that poverty reduction is key to addressing security issues and declining social order. Join panel experts to discuss modern frameworks for a guaranteed livable income as a tool for poverty reduction, and how to balance existing economic concerns with the need to reduce poverty.

2:30 pm - 2:45 pm - Break

2:45 pm - 4:25 pm - Plenary

  • Details to be announced

4:30 pm - 6:30 pm - Community Services Showcase and Cocktail Hour

This is a casual time to network with conference attendees and speakers, and learn more about social service providers and their approach, role, and plans for addressing homelessness, poverty, community wellbeing, safety, and more. There will be a cash bar on site.

5:00pm - Walking Tour of Chinatown

In anticipation of the Conference Banquet at Golden City restaurant, join local tour guides for a tour of the oldest Chinatown in Canada. This tour will highlight the history of Victoria’s Chinatown, while discussing approaches to equity and diversity through building a welcoming City for newcomers. Transporation from the Victoria Conference Centre is included.

6:30 pm - 8:15 pm - Banquet and Welcoming Reception - Golden City Restaurant

The banquet of the conference, taking place at Golden City Restaurant, is a chance to enjoy traditional and modern Chinese cuisine, while building upon participants’ understanding of community wellbeing.

The cost of dinner, as well as transportation to and from the Victoria Conference Centre is included.

Tuesday, October 29

8:30 am - 9:00 am - Morning Coffee and Registration

9:00 am - Morning Welcome and Elder Blessing

9:30 am - 10:30 am - Feature Speaker

  • To be announced

10:30 am - 10:45 am - Break

10:45 am - 12:00 pm - Panels

  • Option A: A New Era of Policing, Bylaws, and Community Safety

Policing, enforcement, and community responses to crime look more different today than they have over the past decades. As we respond to new challenges, our police, bylaws, and enforcement teams have adapted - and continue to adapt - to the new realm of safety and wellbeing. This session will discuss how these forces are adapting and collaborating, and what panel members see for the future of their organizations.

  • Option B: Recovery Communities: Addiction, Health, and Building Better

The effects of the toxic drug crisis can be felt in communities across North America. One approach to address the toxic drug crisis is to provide spaces, tools, and resources for people who use drugs to reach recovery in a safe, compassionate, and community-oriented space that meets people where their needs are. This session will discuss the recovery community approach, and new understandings of addiction, health, and wrap around care.

  • Option C: Supporting Youth

A key part of upstream intervention and mitigation is disrupting generational trauma. By fostering a sense of belonging and community, coupled with care and supportive services, young people and their families can be key solutions in addressing community wellbeing concerns. This session will discuss the unique needs of youth and youth support, and strategies for improving youth services.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm - Lunch

  • Lunch speaker from 12:30-1:00
    • To be announced

1:15 pm - 3:30 pm - Panels

  • Option A: Combatting Polarization and Extremism, in collaboration with the Strong Cities Network

This session will discuss new challenges that cities face in combatting polarization, hate, and extremism. The digital era and growing challenges with social media and misinformation can fuel extremism and hate-motivated individuals to target communities and networks, resulting in new and dangerous threats to social cohesion, equity seeking communities, and wellbeing. Discussion topics will include the new dimensions of extremism, countering polarization at the City level, and supporting communities facing discrimination and targeted threats.

  • Option B: Managing the Streets: Strategies for Addressing Homelessness

In a post COVID-19 world, homelessness has taken new dimensions in modern communities. This panel will bring together community leaders and experts to talk about the state of homelessness in urban communities, and realistic approaches to addressing homelessness in a time marked by the high cost of living and a housing crisis.

  • Option C: Urban Design and Public Safety: The Intersection of our Spaces and Wellbeing

This session will focus on how urban design and effective community planning can- and should- create safer spaces to improve social outcomes in a community. Panel members will discuss new insights and solutions in placemaking, community belonging and identity through spaces, and the effectives of built landscapes on those living in extreme poverty.

3:30 pm - 3:45 pm - Break

3:45 pm - 5:15 pm - Mayor’s Panel: Mayoral Leadership in Community Safety and Wellbeing

This panel will bring together mayors to challenge perceptions and ideas of political leadership and its integral role in community safety and wellbeing. Topics will discuss the role of Mayor’s in communicating safety to their constituents, political leadership in decolonizing local wellbeing, and the role of multi-government advocacy in local governments.

Wednesday, October 30

8:30 am - 9:00 am - Welcome and Elder Blessing

9:00 am - 9:45 am - Policy Roundtables

Policy Roundtables are informal opportunities to connect with experts, practitioners, knowledge keepers, and those with an interest in a particular subject. These drop-in sessions do not have a set agenda, but will connect participants with informal, guided conversations.

  • Option A: Housing
  • Option B: Climate
  • Option C: Urban food security
  • Option D: Policing
  • Option E: Justice

9:45 am - 9:55 am - Break

9:55 am - 11:20 am - Panels

  • Option A: CSWB for Everyone - Building Community Belonging

The success of all community wellbeing work is tied to the ability to bring your community and stakeholders along with you. Whether it is newcomers and refugees, people with disabilities, or just people who have never engaged with local governments before, the creation of a community safety and wellbeing plan, and related wellbeing work, is built through communication, engagement, and constructive discourse. This session will discuss the importance of belonging as part of wellbeing work, strategies for effective communication and outreach, and engagement methods that reach different audiences.

  • Option B: Supporting People with Mental Illness and Brain Trauma

Traumatic brain injuries are associated with a host of cognitive, behavioural, and affective disorders- and they are inherently intertwined with toxic drug use. Supporting people with complex care needs, included brain trauma, creates unique challenges and requires a targeted skill set. This panel will discuss the interconnectedness of drug use and brain trauma and discuss solutions and approaches to supportive people with complex traumatic brain injuries.

  • Option C: Small Business Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategies

Small businesses are key partners in addressing crime and social disorder, while are oftentimes experiencing it first-hand. This session will bring together business leaders to discuss approaches to managing social disorder, supporting staff, and being community partners in safety and wellbeing.

11:20 am - 12:00 pm - Closing Remarks



This multi-day conference will give you a chance to connect with leaders in the field, while encouraging you to reimagine what community safety and wellbeing looks like in your community, and beyond. Topics will challenge, explore and discover the current trends, issues, and research in the community safety and wellbeing field.

More details are provided in the Agenda section.

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Contact Us

To ensure a comfortable and convenient experience for attendees, please fill out the contact form with your contact information and specific requirements. Our team will work to accommodate your needs and provide you with information on available options at the conference venue. We look forward to assisting you with your booking and making your conference experience a success.


This multi-day conference will give you a chance to connect with leaders in the field, while encouraging you to reimagine what community safety and wellbeing looks like in your community, and beyond. Topics will challenge, explore and discover the current trends, issues, and research in the community safety and wellbeing field.

More details are provided in the Agenda section.

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Contact Us

To ensure a comfortable and convenient experience for attendees, please fill out the contact form with your contact information and specific requirements. Our team will work to accommodate your needs and provide you with information on available options at the conference venue. We look forward to assisting you with your booking and making your conference experience a success.

hello world!