Wednesday, October 30

8:30 am - 9:00 am - Welcome Theatre

Join for the morning welcome and a message from Laurel Collins, MP for Victoria

9:00 am - 9:45 am - Policy Roundtables

Policy Roundtables are informal opportunities to connect with experts, practitioners, knowledge keepers, and those with an interest in a particular subject. These drop-in sessions do not have a set agenda, but will connect participants with informal, guided conversations.

9:45 am - 9:55 am - Break

9:55 am - 11:20 am - Panels

The success of all community wellbeing work is tied to the ability to bring your community and stakeholders along with you. Whether it is newcomers and refugees, people with disabilities, or just people who have never engaged with local governments before, the creation of a community safety and wellbeing plan, and related wellbeing work, is built through communication, engagement, and constructive discourse. This session will discuss the importance of belonging as part of wellbeing work, strategies for effective communication and outreach, and engagement methods that reach different audiences.

Traumatic brain injuries are associated with a host of cognitive, behavioural, and affective disorders- and they are inherently intertwined with toxic drug use. Supporting people with complex care needs, included brain trauma, creates unique challenges and requires a targeted skill set. This panel will discuss the interconnectedness of drug use and brain trauma and discuss solutions and approaches to supportive people with complex traumatic brain injuries.

Small businesses are key partners in addressing crime and social disorder, while are oftentimes experiencing it first-hand. This session will bring together business leaders to discuss approaches to managing social disorder, supporting staff, and being community partners in safety and wellbeing.

11:20 am - 12:00 pm - Closing Remarks Theatre